PowerShell script to list the DLL files under the system32 folder
# PowerShell script to list the DLL files under the system32 folder
$Dir = get-childitem C:\windows\system32
$List = $Dir | where {$_.extension -eq ".dll"}
# PowerShell script to list the DLL files under the system32 folder
$Dir = get-childitem C:\windows\system32
$List = $Dir | where {$_.extension -eq ".dll"}
$List | format-table name
If search "-Recurse" option you could get error you don't have permission to access.
the entire search is aborted because the process exits.
Try to set the ErrorAction parameter to Continue or SilentlyContinue
# PowerShell script to list the DLL files under the system32 folder
$Dir = get-childitem C:\windows\system32 -Recurse
$List = $Dir | where {$_.extension -eq ".dll"}
$List | format-table name