NAME New-PSSessionConfigurationFile SYNTAX New-PSSessionConfigurationFile [-Path] [-SchemaVersion ] [-Guid ] [-Author ] [-CompanyName ] [-Copyright ] [-Description ] [-PowerShellVersion ] [-SessionType {Empty | RestrictedRemoteServer | Default}] [-ModulesToImport ] [-AssembliesToLoad ] [-VisibleAliases ] [-VisibleCmdlets ] [-VisibleFunctions ] [-VisibleProviders ] [-AliasDefinitions ] [-FunctionDefinitions ] [-VariableDefinitions ] [-EnvironmentVariables ] [-TypesToProcess ] [-FormatsToProcess ] [-LanguageMode {FullLanguage | RestrictedLanguage | NoLanguage | ConstrainedLanguage}] [-ExecutionPolicy {Unrestricted | RemoteSigned | AllSigned | Restricted | Default | Bypass | Undefined}] [-ScriptsToProcess ] [] ALIASES npssc REMARKS Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer. It is displaying only partial help. -- To download and install Help files for the module that includes this cmdlet, use Update-Help. -- To view the Help topic for this cmdlet online, type: "Get-Help New-PSSessionConfigurationFile -Online" or go to