Powershell For Loop

this way you can iterate list/collection using for.


for ($i = 0; $i -lt $myLists.Count; $i++)
  $list = $myLists[$i];
  # ...

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this way you can iterate collection using foreach.


$collection = @(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
foreach ($i in $collection)
Write-Host $i

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"Welcome to powershell world", "hello" ,"world!!" | foreach {$_.toupper()}

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Lets analysis above statement, powershell consider first three world as array elements then using pipe sign "|"
you can work with array collection, "$_" this collection object and "toupper" is method of that collection object.
So that you can work with that collection, here we are converting charactors into upper case.
Here is the output