I dont want start with what is AD?
But on high level Active Directory is a special-purpose database
or directory which is designed to handle a large number of read
and search operations.
You can create users using different options.
1. Using UI
To open Active Directory Users and Computers, click Start, click Control Panel,
double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. Command line>
dsadd userUserDN [-samidSAMName] -pwd {Password|*}
3. VB Script
4. Powershell Script
New-ADUser MyUser -OtherAttributes @{title="director";mail="[email protected]"}
Windows PowerShell is a powerful tool for performing and automating administrative tasks in Windows Server 2008.
Import-Csv .\usercreationfile.csv | foreach-object
$userprinicpalname = $_.SamAccountName + "@{domainname}.com"
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -UserPrincipalName $userprinicpalname -Name $_.name -DisplayName $_.name -GivenName $_.cn -SurName $_.sn -Department $_.Department -Path "CN=Users,DC=biogen,DC=com" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "Microsoft~1;" -AsPlainText -force) -Enabled $True -PasswordNeverExpires $True -PassThru